Every year we feature an artist in our gallery. This year I did three buildings in Acrylic. First The Barn and then Monhegan Island, Maine Wash Day, and then another barn, Tina's Barn. I enjoyed doing these three paintings, they are very different for me. I will send pictures of the other two paintings soon.
I can't believe I have been so behind on this blog. Forgive me. So much has happened and so much work has had to be done. Our friend Jill has been very sick and we have been visiting her at Mass General Hospital, very hard to see this wonderful woman sick. Say a prayer for her.
I have been an artist for as long as I can remember. I went to college when I was 37 years old. I loved it so much, I was a sponge and absorbed anything and everything about art. I started out wanting to be a portrait artist but ended up using pencil and colored pencils. I made quite a name for myself with my drawings. I won many awards. When I needed a break from that I went into oil sticks and just loved them and again did very well with awards. I finally went back to my oils but always felt frustrated with them I wanted to be free from all constraints, I am now working in acrylics and loving them. So now the sky is the limit. I just want to go and do everything I feel and want to express.