I like Balancing Pepper and this Zucchini on Red together. They really look good and they have the same frame. I have had a very busy time of it and have not painted this weekend but I am planning on painting tomorrow. Have a good holiday to every one.
Here is a 6" x 6" acrylic I finished this morning. I am working on my painting for the Art ala Carte that will be opening on Nov 3rd. It will be a fun show as everyone in the gallery chose a restaurant or bakery to paint part of or all of. Food will be spectacular. Everyone welcome.
After many long days of not painting I am now back in business. I am feeling good and very happy. This little painting is 6" x 8" on canvas and has a small gold frame. I am happy to be back. See you again soon.
I have been an artist for as long as I can remember. I went to college when I was 37 years old. I loved it so much, I was a sponge and absorbed anything and everything about art. I started out wanting to be a portrait artist but ended up using pencil and colored pencils. I made quite a name for myself with my drawings. I won many awards. When I needed a break from that I went into oil sticks and just loved them and again did very well with awards. I finally went back to my oils but always felt frustrated with them I wanted to be free from all constraints, I am now working in acrylics and loving them. So now the sky is the limit. I just want to go and do everything I feel and want to express.