OK, I am ready to start again. Paul and I left Colorado towing the motorcycle in Paul's trailer. He thought it would be better to drive to Utah rather than spend days on the motorcycle. Our first stop was in Moab. We stayed in Moab two nights. The first day, we went to Arches National Park and spent all day just driving and seeing the magnificent sights. It was a warm day so we took the linings out of our motorcycle outfits. I thought Arches to be the most beautiful park I had ever seen. I have been to Yosemite and the Grand Canyon and those had blown me away. I guess I can't say Arches is the best all I can say is how different it was. It was a beautiful day and a lot of people. One couple took our picture often because they couldn't believe I was 73 and taking this motor cycle trip with my son.
The next day we left Moab in the truck heading to Hanksville. Once there we left the truck and trailer and that is where our motorcycle trip began. It was glorious. Paul is an excellent motorcycle driver and I trusted him completely. We took a ride to Lake Powell and what a sight that was. A huge lake and huge boats and 2 story houseboats. We headed to Zion the next morning. I loved the Dixie National Forest, the Aspens were just starting to bloom. We were at 9600 ft. It was a cool, totally clear day. We arrived at the Best Western about five pm, tired but happy. The next morning after a big breakfast we were on our way to Zion to meet with Mark and Peggy and Ellen.
What a welcome we got. Peggy and Ellen were jumping up and down and Mark my older son was very teary and happy to see us. We spent the day exploring Zion and that evening they met us for a wonderful Mexican dinner. Afterwards we visited galleries in this wonderful little town of Springdale. The next day we joined Mark and family at Zion and headed out to Brice Canyon. What a sight those two parks are. Zion, very spiritual and Brice like sherbet all peaches and cream. We spent the day there and had a cook out at there campground.
This trip has been unbelievable, we said good bye to Mark and Peggy and Ellen. Lots of hugs and kisses.
On the road again we headed to Capital Reef and spent a lot of time there. We did the Burr Trail and also the scenic trail. We went back to the Welcome Center and while we were there, it started to rain, lasted about an hour and that was all. Perfect weather this whole trip.
Our trip back to Hanksville was good but neither one of us wanted it to end. All and all we did 1,115 miles on the motorcycle.
I sit some days and just think of that trip. Will I ever be able to do another one? Who knows, we hope we will. I hope so. I'll keep working out to keep up my strength and dream of the next great adventure.