This painting is the inside of a Hubbard Squash. I love squash, I love to eat it and I love to paint it. I've done a whole series of different squash and I will put them on my blog in the next few days. This one is an oil painting and I found painting it very intriguing. The color was so wonderful and while painting it I just saw so many different things and I am sure when you look at it, you will also see many different images. I hope you enjoy looking at it.
Tonight begins our three day Holiday Open House at the gallery East Colony Fine Art. The whole building called Langer Place will be alive with music, art and good food. Lots to see and lots to buy, paintings, stained glass, drawings, photography and more. I hope we have a great time and a lot of great people.
I like squash too, a little on the dry side. One of my favourites is butternut.
That is an interesting look at a squash.Recognizable yet not.The seeds are familiar.The color is nice.I like that you paint the inside and not the outside like everyone else does :)
I look forward to hearing about your show.
Good Luck!!
Hi Mickey, the art opening was just wonderful. Many people came and the boy came with his parents and he was very excited to be there and all the artists got a big kick out of him. He and all my family came and that was very nice. A lot of people I didn't know and that is always lots of fun to meet new people. thanks for asking Mickey. Jeanne
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