Finished this little Sunflower and had it framed today. A small gold frame and looking pretty good. Have three 8" x 10" paintings almost done. Will be a feature artist with my good friend CV. We are excited and working hard to have all new paintings for the show which is set for the beginning of June 2010. My how time flies. It feels as if we just had a featured artist show but that was 15 months ago. Anyway time just moves along at a steady pace.
oh my gosh jeanne!
it is gorgeous!
Happy Happy Spring!
m & e
Hi Jeanne!
You are on a roll, wonderful work! Very rich colors, I like the composition as well. I'm returning after a long hiatus, work has been amazingly busy, finally we can rehire back two people who were let go last year. However glad I am to have been able to keep my job, I am very tired of having had to do the work of two or three people. Thanks for looking in on me while I was gone, I do miss talking with you.
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